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Welcome to Amman, Jordan
Situated on a hilly area between the desert and a fertile valley, Jordan is a city of contrast with a perfect blend of old and new. Lets join Roger B Stillz as he takes us around the city and its top historical sites along with the Dead Sea. 

Places to Visit

  • Amman Roman Theatre

    Amman's Roman Theatre is a 6,000-seat, 2nd-century Roman theatre. This magnificently restored theatre is the most obvious and impressive remnant of Roman Philadelphia and is the highlight of Amman for most foreign visitors. 

  • Amman citadel 

    Perched majestically, Amman Citadel is a historical site at the centre of the capital city. It stands on the highest hill of Amman and guards the ancient civilizations that left vestiges inside its 1700 metre-metre-long wall.

  • Abdullah Mosque 

    King Abdullah Mosque was built in 1989 by late King Hussein in honour of his father. The mosque is open to everyone and cant withhold 700 men inside it and 3000 in its courtyard. It has a capped dome painted in various blues and is one of Amman’s modern landmarks

  • The Dead Sea 

    The Dead Sea, also known as the Salt Sea, is a salt lake bordering Jordan to the east and Israel and the West Bank to the west. It’s a hypersaline lake that is truly one of Earth’s unique places

We’re heading to Jerash next

After visiting the capital city of Jordan, our next destination of Jerash.

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