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Welcome to Grodno Virtual

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Welcome to Grodno, Belarus 
Gordno or Hordna is also known as one of the most beautiful cities in Belarus. It lies in the west on the banks of River Neman, Grodno has been the border town since the 12-century. Lisa is a local and wants to show us around the beautiful sites of Grodno including the Lenin Square and the Jewish Museum.

Places to Visit

  • St. Francis Xavier Cathedral 

    Originally, a Jesuit church, St. Francis Xavier Cathedral became a Roman Catholic Cathedral when a new diocese was erected in the year 1991. Ever since, it has been a great tourist attraction for people all around the world. 

  • Great Synangogue 

    The Great Synagogue of Hrodna is located in Hrodno, Belarus, dates from the 16th century and is a 2007 candidate for UNESCO World Heritage site.

We’re heading to Brest next

Grodno surely is one of the most beautiful cities in Belarus. Lets hope on to our next destination, Brest.

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